About - Charleston Ashton MPAGB ARPS EFIAP

Charles Ashton FRPS MPAGB EFIAP Charles Ashton FRPS MPAGB EFIAP View More Photos Skip to Main Content


I am a physician of 40 years experience moving into retirement to major in photography. My main interests are Documentary Street and Travel photography including taking opportunities for portraiture when they present themselves. As my photography progresses I will concentrate on well researched projects resulting in meaningful bodies of work.

My observational skills as a physician help me find those human moments. I am not aligned to the F8 school of street photography. I believe attention to depth of field, exposure and especially design of the whole frame make a good picture. Above all a picture that precipitates an emotional reaction in the viewer is a success. As photographers we need to dare to be different and express ourselves through our images.

I hold the following photographic distinctions FRPS MPAGB EFIAP/Platinum  and BPE5. I am available for camera club talks and 1:1 workshops by arrangement.

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